Tu'u tu'u i le loloto / Take it to the Deep
'Tu'u tu'u i le loloto' is a Samoan proverb referring to fishermen taking their nets to the deep, hoping to find more fish. It also refers to the search for spiritual transformation and for deeper reflection.
The exhibition consists of circular paintings on recycled traffic signs, which are not intended to be symbolic of any one thing, read as a narrative, or portray anyone in particular. They are meant to serve as points of mediation for the viewers' own journeys. Therefore, the title of the exhibition is also the title of all the individual paintings.
Referencing ideas around life-cycle, life-force, regeneration, recycling, reimagining, history, memory, community, and family, these circular paintings invite the viewers to explore constellations and cosmology, the deep ocean, the matrix of the web, the fascia of the body, root systems, windows and portals, and much more.
It is an invitation to 'come fishing 'and see what thoughts , feelings , and conversations emerge for us as part of our own journeys.
@ Papakura Art Gallery Auckland in 2024 www.facebook.com/papakuraartgallery/
Thank you to an amazing activation and performance by Logo i Pulotu Sound Collective!
'Making Worlds' Community workshop